Hey, Pip here!

I've been a very busy pup this week moving house with my mum!

So far I've had zoomies around my new garden as well as getting involved in the renovation work by handling the paint brushes and helping mum move the furniture.

You've probably seen my face on the Sytner MINI social media pages before, I love a photo opportunity and my mum is a very talented photographer so she loves to snap shots of me in action - here's me still looking cute after a busy day unpacking all of my toys!

As well as moving I also got a new house mate who I'm very excited for you all to meet soon - his name is Harris and he is fluffy and cute just like me!

Me and Harris will be sure to keep the pawrents in check and make sure the new garden is suitable for all of my digging needs and secret spots to hide my toys in.

We hope you enjoy staying up to date with all of our doggy journeys, be sure to check back in with us for Harris' big intro!

Bye for now,

Pip x

Pips new pad- in page image cropped