Customer Service and Complaints

Your satisfaction, guaranteed.

At Sytner Group, we pride ourselves on delivering a great customer experience. However, we also appreciate that on some occasions, we may not always deliver the levels of customer service you were expecting and should this be your experience with any of our businesses we welcome any feedback, to allow us to continually improve on the standards we set ourselves.

In the event you wish to bring a complaint to our attention, we would be grateful if you could follow the appropriate route for the type of complaint you have, which is outlined below:

1. Complaints concerning sales or aftersales

In the first instance, we would ask that you contact the dealership using the online form here:

Note, it is the dealerships’ responsibility to resolve your complaint and they will aim to do so as quickly as possible. However should we be unable to reach an agreement and resolve your complaint via our internal procedures, you may refer your complaint to a dispute resolution provider (known as ADR).  To find out more, please click here

2. Complaints concerning Finance or Insurance products

If for any reason you are not entirely satisfied regarding your Finance or Insurance transaction please let us know straight away. Our dedicated team will investigate your concerns. Please be aware that due to the complexity of these complaints they can take longer to investigate and resolve than other complaints.

For complaints of this nature, please click here to see our regulated complaints procedure, including how to contact us:

We will endeavour to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible, if however you are not satisfied with our Final Response, or it has been more than eight weeks since we received your complaint, you may be able to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. Details about how to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service can be found here or by telephoning 0845 080 1800.

For further information concerning our regulated complaint process, click here

Where your complaint relates to relevant motor finance ‘Discretionary Commission Arrangements’ (DCA), the eight week response time was originally paused by the FCA for 37 weeks on 11 January 2024. On 24th September 2024, the FCA announced a further pause that now runs until 4th December 2025. For complaints involving DCA, customers will have the later of 29th July 2026 or 15 months from the date of their final response letter from the firm to escalate their complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service. You can find out more information on the pause and the FCA review into motor finance commission here:

Discretionary Commission Arrangements

If you have an alleged claim of unfair practice (in the event of a discretionary commission arrangement), your enquiry should be submitted to the lender behind your finance agreement as only they can respond to this query.  We are aware that the majority of lenders have established dedicated website pages and online forms to assist you further, you can find contact details for the majority of lenders we introduce customers to here

Reasons to contact us

Dealership complaints

Whilst we make it our mission to create an unforgettable experience, if you are not satisfied or have any concerns, we will do all we can to resolve them quickly, effectively and to your satisfaction.

Purchase and Aftersales experience

Whilst we make it our mission to create an unforgettable experience, If you have any suggestions of how we could improve our service, or would like to recognise a colleague who has provided outstanding service, please complete the feedback form.

Data-related complaints

You’re in control of your personal data and your privacy is important to us. Please use the link below for any concerns relating to your personal data.

We're here to help

Locate a dealership

In our state-of-the-art dealerships across the UK, Sytner Group represents the world's most prestigious car manufacturers. Find your local showrooms and workshop facilities in your area using our locate dealership tool.

General enquiry

If you have a general query relating to any of our dealerships, please use the link below.

Careers at Sytner

If you have recently applied for a vacancy with Sytner Group, you can view and track all of your applications in your online account. If you have a general query relating to recruitment please get in touch with our Central Recruitment team at

Customer Support

At Sytner Group Limited, we are committed to delighting our customers and that includes supporting our customers who may require additional support during their sales journey and beyond.

Reasons to contact us

Dealership complaints

Whilst we make it our mission to create an unforgettable experience, if you are not satisfied or have any concerns, we will do all we can to resolve them quickly, effectively and to your satisfaction.

Purchase and Aftersales experience

Whilst we make it our mission to create an unforgettable experience, If you have any suggestions of how we could improve our service, or would like to recognise a colleague who has provided outstanding service, please complete the feedback form.

Data-related complaints

You’re in control of your personal data and your privacy is important to us. Please use the link below for any concerns relating to your personal data.

Website feedback

We're constantly looking for ways to improve our experience. If you have any feedback you would like to share regarding our website, we would love to hear from you.

Should we be unable to reach an agreement and resolve your complaint via our internal procedures, you may refer your complaint to a dispute resolution provider (known as ADR).  To find out more, please click here.